"The Man, the Myth and the Madness"

By Capt. Fatty Goodlander

Captain John SmithA famous boat with a rich past needs a strong legendary skipper -- and " Mermaid of Carriacou " found one in Smith.

He is... John Smith is...

...hard to explain.

He is a poet, a sailor, a writer, a rummy, a wood butcher, an optimist, a sailmaker, and explorer, a 10 cent philosopher, a madman, a Yankee Trader, an honest conman, a visionary, a genius, and a complete and utter fool.

John Smith is sorta like an Indiana Jones who got a little too twisted during the 1960's — and actually believed all that crap about peace, love, brotherhood, and the rights of man. In 1977, he heard that the Mermaid was for sale — cheap — because she was built without an engine, was too big to fish, and too small to carry freight. Smith rushed down-island, waving a fistful of Yankee Greenbacks, and proudly purchased her from the amazed and amused — sailors of Carriacou.

Lots of knowledgeable folks attempted to dissuade John from the purchase. One well-known USVI yachtsman said bluntly: "That boat ain't just leak'n, John - she's sinking! She ain't worth trying to bring back to life! Attempting to fix her up would be like putting perfume on a pig...!" Needless to say, John ignored the skeptics. He paid his money, took his chance, and has never regretted his decision. Thus, he gradually began to be known throughout the Caribbean as "De white mon wid de black mon's boat!

He's sailed from Maine to South America, and carried inter-island cargos of fruits and trees and lumber and salt and anything/everything, which would pay. He oftimes charters his vessel for $50.00 per day per person. (When Smith says no frills - he means it! If you wanna glass of water, bring one.)

Captain John Smith doesn't go by the rulebook. In fact, he ate his copy.

Whatever. Just 'cause some idiot makes a rule, doesn't mean you should obey it, according to Smith. He's been repeatedly arrested for having too much fun, detained for not being serious enough, and nearly stomped to death by some violence-crazed Grenadian Gairy-goons who thought he was acting "far too free to be allowed to flee..."

He still believes in weird, untrendy causes like truth, justice, and personal liberty, and often sails thousands of ocean miles while stopping in numerous foreign countries with only a few dollars in his pocket. As often as not, the pockets of his shorts rotted off months before. Why mend and repair what one doesn't have a need for? Dead Broke.


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